Trips-R-You Example

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The case study captures requirements for a web-based Flight Reservation System in MS Excel spreadsheets.

Customers managing requirements for complex HW/SW products in Excel are often facing many problems. One of the main challenges is to maintain consistent traceability links. We will show how you can solve these issues in ReqView.


  • Goal 1: Demonstrate that you can handle complex tabular data in ReqView

  • Goal 2: Show advantages of powerful requirements management features to potential customers.


The case study describes a business information system, which maintains business-related data within a database management system (DBMS) and adds capabilities to:

  • User Interfaces (UIs) — give online access to the stored data
  • Reports — contain data stored in the system for referencing offline
  • Imports — store data made available by another system
  • Exports — store data for use by another system
  • Automated Functions — create new data within the system based on data currently stored in the system

The case study uses three types of requirements for the above functionalities:

  • Business Requirements — overview the problem and state business goals to be achieved
  • High-Level Requirements — determine the chosen solution context and identify user needs (stakeholder requirements)
  • Detailed Requirements — specify UI, report, data import, export, or automated function capabilities, and the data dictionary

Example Project screenshots

High-level requirements are displayed in ReqView:

High-level requirements imported from Excel to ReqView

Detailed Requirements - Visual representation of the data schema stored in the section “Data Model”:

Project Data Model imported from Excel

Traceability column displaying upstream business goals and downstream detailed requirements for each high-level requirement:

Requirements traceability matrix imported from Excel to ReqView


By managing requirements in ReqView instead of Excel you get the following advantages:

  • get unique identifiers assigned automatically
  • organize rows in a tree hierarchy easily
  • describe requirements using rich text format and enhance the description by attached diagrams and embedded tables
  • manage consistent Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) with minimal effort
  • generate requirements traceability reports to analyze requirements coverage
  • track changes of each requirement


  1. Dan Tasker: Trips-R-You Flight Booking Case Study (v4.0)  
  2. Blog post: Better Requirements Management Than in Excel  
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Updated for version 2.19.1