Project |
Open a project from folder | CtrlO | ⌘O |
Save the project to the filesystem | CtrlS | ⌘S |
Upload the project to Google Drive | CtrlU | ⌘U |
Start or finish editing the current document in Exclusive Edit Mode | CtrlShiftE | ⇧⌘E |
Switch to the next / previous open document in the project | CtrlShiftPgDn / PgUp |
Switch to given open document in the project | Ctrl1 - 9 | ⌘1 - 9 |
Close the current document | CtrlW | CtrlW |
Refresh the project from the file system | CtrlR | ⌘R |
Refresh all loaded linked projects from the file system | CtrlShiftR | ⇧⌘R |
Document |
Refresh the table view | F5 | F5 |
Expand or collapse the selected section | Space | Space |
Move focus up / down in the document structure | ↑ / ↓ | ↑ / ↓ |
Move focus page up / down in the document structure | PgUp / PgDn | ⌥↑/ ↓ |
Move focus to the parent / the first child / the previous sibling / the next sibling | Ctrl← / → / ↑ / ↓ |
Go back / forward in the link browsing history | Alt← / → | ⌥← / → |
Go to the object with a given ID | CtrlG | ⌘G |
Enter searched keyword | CtrlF | ⌘F |
Search the next document object | F3 | F3 |
Search the previous document object | ShiftF3 | ⇧F3 |
Enter document filter | CtrlShiftF | ⇧⌘F |
Enable or disable document filter | CtrlAltF | ⌥⌘F |
Print the document | CtrlP | ⌘P |
Document Structure |
Add a new item after the selected object | CtrlEnter | ⌘⏎ |
Add a new item as child of the selected object | CtrlShiftEnter | ⇧⌘⏎ |
Add a new item before the selected object | CtrlAltEnter | ⌥⌘⏎ |
Delete / undelete the selected objects including all children | CtrlDel | ⌘⌫ |
Purge the selected deleted objects including all children | CtrlShiftDel | ⇧⌘⌫ |
Move the selected object up or down in the document structure | CtrlShift↑ / ↓ | ⇧⌘↑ / ↓ |
Promote or demote the selected object | CtrlShift← / → | ⇧⌘← / → |
Copy the selected objects to the application and system clipboard | CtrlC | ⌘C |
Cut selected objects to the application clipboard | CtrlX | ⌘X |
Paste objects from the application clipboard | CtrlV | ⌘V |
Document Objects |
Open editor for the selected attribute | Enter or F2 | ⏎ or F2 |
Edit the header of the selected object | CtrlH | ⌘H |
Edit the rich text of the selected cell in a dialog | CtrlE | ⌘E |
Comment the selected object | CtrlD | ⌘D |
Add a file attachment to the selected object | CtrlShiftA | ⇧⌘A |
Start link from the selected objects | CtrlL | ⌘L |
End link at the selected objects | CtrlShiftL | ⇧⌘L |
Clear suspect flag for all outgoing links from the selected objects | CtrlJ | ⌘J |
Clear suspect flag for all incoming links to the selected objects | CtrlShiftJ | ⌘J |
Cancel selection of link source and target | Esc | ⎋ |
Rich Text Editor |
Switch between header and text description edit mode | CtrlH / T | ⌘H / T |
Copy the selected text to the clipboard | CtrlC | ⌘C |
Cut the selected text to the clipboard | CtrlX | ⌘X |
Paste text from the clipboard | CtrlV | ⌘V |
Undo the last change in the editor | CtrlZ | ⌘Z |
Redo the last change in the editor | CtrlY | ⌘Y |
Toggle bold font | CtrlB | ⌘B |
Toggle italic font | CtrlI | ⌘I |
Toggle preformatted paragraph style | Ctrl; | ⌘; |
Toggle numbered list style | Ctrl1 | ⌘1 |
Toggle bullet list style | Ctrl8 | ⌘8 |
Increase indent | Ctrl] | ⌘] |
Decrease indent | Ctrl[ | ⌘[ |
Create URL link or change link properties in the Edit dialog | CtrlK | ⌘K |
Save changes and close the editor | CtrlEnter | ⌘⏎ |
Close the editor without saving changes | Esc | ⎋ |
Set direction of selected text or elements as RTL (right-to-left) | CtrlShiftX | ⇧⌘X |
Set direction of selected text or elements as LTR (left-to-right) | CtrlShiftZ | ⇧⌘Z |
Insert a non-breaking space | CtrlShiftSpace | ⇧⌘Hyphen |
Code Text Editor |
Select the current line | AltL | ⌥L |
Select the parent syntax block | CtrlI | ⌘I |
Select all | CtrlA | ⌘A |
Move the current line up or down | Alt↑ / ↓ | ⌥↑ / ↓ |
Copy the current line up or down | ShiftAlt↑ / ↓ | ⇧⌥↑ / ↓ |
Delete the current line | CtrlShiftK | ⇧⌘K |
Decrease / increase indent for the current line or selection | Ctrl[ / ] | ⌘[ / ] |
Indent the current line or selection | CtrlAlt\ | ⌥⌘\ |
Move cursor to the matching bracket | CtrlShift\ | ⇧⌘\ |
Application |
Toggle Project left pane | CtrlAltP | ⌥⌘P |
Toggle Document left pane | CtrlAltT | ⌥⌘T |
Toggle Instructions right pane | CtrlAltI | ⌥⌘I |
Toggle Attributes right pane | CtrlAltA | ⌥⌘A |
Toggle Discussion right pane | CtrlAltD | ⌥⌘D |
Toggle Links right pane | CtrlAltL | ⌥⌘L |
Toggle History right pane | CtrlAltH | ⌥⌘H |
Toggle full screen | F11 | ⌃⌘F |
Open online documentation | F1 | F1 |
Save the current session and exit the application | CtrlShiftQ | ⌘Q |