Release Notes


  • Export attachments to Jira
    • Set exportAttachments to true in the Jira configuration to export attachments
    • Note: The default maximum size of attachments supported by Jira Cloud is 1 GB, see Configure File Attachments
  • Offer releasing edit locks and committing all changed documents when the application window is closed
  • Support custom Word macros in DOCX Export
  • Export ReqIF with .properties file for Capella MBSE tool


  • Get Started

    • Fix errors on drag and drop of file attachments
    • Fix size of the template code editor after resizing of the Template Column dialog
  • Import

    • Fix preserving file protocol URLs after ReqIF import
    • Fix display refresh of dangling links after CSV import
  • Manage

    • Fix error when a project with linked projects is cloned
  • Collaborate

    • Fix unlocking file in the local Git repository if the Start Editing Document action is canceled and the project is closed
    • Fix error messages for Jira integration shown when user has Viewer permission
    • Fix error messages for detection if a project is managed in Git
    • Fix the error messages shown in the SVN Information dialog if connection to the remote server fails
    • Fix the error messages shown when Git cannot access project files on filesystem
  • Export

    • Fix selection of a document template file in the Create Project and Add Document dialogs in the WebApp
    • Fix error when using the export helper templateColumnValue in the Template Column
    • Fix failed ReqIF export of open documents when a document from linked project is open
    • Fix storing relative paths in export configurations after Save as File action

New Features and Enhancements

  • Git Integration
    • Enable Git integration by Edit > Preferences > Integrate with Git
    • Clone a remote Git repository
    • Open and refresh a ReqView Project Folder from a local Git working tree
    • Edit project or documents exclusively by locking them in the remote Git repository
    • Commit project changes to the remote Git repository
    • Revert project changes to the last local commit
    • Show Git information about the project
  • Drag & Drop
    • Link document objects within the same project
    • Link document objects between linked project windows
  • OWASP ASVS Template
  • Create new project from a selected custom document template
  • Delete ReqIF metadata from the project
  • If table view is sorted then display an indicator and a tooltip explaining that add and move document object actions are disabled


  • Get Started
    • Fixed display of dropdown menu for group items in the Project pane
    • Fixed error when opening a document template file or adding a document from a document template file when Validate files when opening option is enabled in the Preferences dialog
    • Fixed consistency checks of document files for document views and export configurations when opening a project or document file
    • Fixed consistency checks of project configuration file on refreshing the project or connecting to a linked project
    • Fixed error when adding a new template column without a label
    • Fixed print options for the Compare Projects dialog
    • Fixed saving of boolean attributes set to FALSE and numerical attributes set to 0 as undefined
    • Fixed memory leak if a shown image attachment is deleted or replaced
  • Import
    • Fixed import of attachments with German characters in filename from CP437 encoded ReqIFz files
    • Fixed ReqIF update of a document if another document has ID with the same prefix
  • Manage
    • Fixed display of the OK button in the Document Attributes dialog on small screen resolutions
    • Fixed copying outgoing traceability links to unloaded linked projects
    • Fixed clearing of the suspect flag for outgoing links to unloaded linked projects
    • Fixed refresh of document groups after refreshing the project if document groups were changed in another project window or in a linked project window
    • Fixed enabling link actions run from the context menu in the target document if the source document is editable
    • Fixed search and filter of documents in Chinese
    • Fixed forward/backward navigation in traceability links if the focused document object is hidden by a filter or folded parent section
    • Fixed filter error during changing the document filter when OR is chosen before finishing NOT
    • Fixed lost linked selection after starting exclusive edit of another document
    • Fixed error when copying a document object if the document has an attribute with help property set to true
  • Collaborate
    • Fixed error message when SVN lock is required in parallel from more working copies
    • Fixed entering a commit message in the Commit dialog with project unlocked to allow other users to edit the project configuration
    • Fixed refresh of documents when the traceability of a project managed in SVN is edited in another application instance
    • Fixed login to Jira cloud after clearing Jira credentials and entering a wrong API token
    • Fixed display of changes in the Project History dialog if the Description column overflows
    • Fixed display of warning about clearing suspect link flags when suspect property of a link type is changed
    • Fixed storing of metadata for integrations (ReqIF or Jira) in the project config file after project refresh if another user has changed project properties meanwhile
    • Fixed error message for failed connection to Jira Cloud when the Jira site URL contains a path
    • Fixed proper unlocking of projects managed in SVN when user aborts updating the project, e.g. during ReqIF export
  • Export
    • Fixed error when exporting an Excel file with option Open documents
    • Fixed enabling export options when editing a configuration for exporting an Excel file
    • Fixed editing export configurations with custom template with a network path starting with \\
    • Fixed update of the Manage Export Configurations dialog after adding a new export configuration
    • Fixed traceability links within a document to be navigable when the document is exported to a HTML file
    • Fixed traceability links between linked projects to be navigable when the projects exported to separate HTML files
    • Fixed font size of section numbers in the default DOCX template
    • Fixed several document file locking issues after ReqIF import and export
    • Fixed DOCX export with custom Word template created in another tool than MS Word without OpenXML core properties
    • Fixed DOCX export containing extra bullet in the table cell on right if a table cell contains bullet or numbered list not followed by a paragraph
    • Fixed error state of the Edit Export Configuration dialog if the referenced template file is not accessible

System Requirements

  • Application
    • WebApp: the latest desktop version of Chrome, Edge or Firefox browser
    • WinApp: Windows 10+
    • LinuxApp: Ubuntu 20.04+ LTS, Debian 11+ LTS
    • MacApp: Mac OS X 11+
  • Licensing
    • ReqView License Server: version 1.2+
  • Integrations
    • Word & Excel: Microsoft 365 or version 2019+
    • Atlassian Jira Cloud: the latest version
    • ReqIF: version 1.2+
    • Git: version 2.39+
    • Subversion (SVN): version 1.14+

Known Issues

  • ReqView UI is not optimized for control by a touchscreen.