User Stories Template

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User Stories

User stories are simple statements formulated according to the following structure:

As a <stakeholder>, I want <some goal>, so that <some reason>.

They describe high-level business, user needs, or even constraints related to product performance, portability, maintainability, availability, security, etc. You can group user stories into epics representing larger initiatives or functionality.

For more information see book User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn or his User Stories web page.

Document Template

To create a new document describing user stories, click Project and select Add Document. In the New Document dialog, choose Predefined, and then User Stories.


If you create a new document from this template then the application displays detailed guidance in the Instructions pane:

Instructions from the User Stories document template


IdidstringUnique identifier within the document
HeadingheadingstringShort name of the user story
As a(n)asAnenumType of user
I want toiWantxhtmlGoal of the user story
So thatsoThatxhtmlReason the user story
Acceptance CriteriaacceptanceCriteriaxhtmlMore details how the story should be verified and providing the basic criteria that can be used to determine if a story is fully implemented
PrioritypriorityenumPriority assessment of the user story — High, Medium, or Low
RiskriskenumRisk assessment of the user story — High, Medium, or Low
EstimationestimationintThe relative user story complexity, effort or duration estimated by story points
StatusstatusenumStatus of the user story supporting your workflow
TypetypeenumType of the document object — Section, Information, Epic, User Story or Constraint


Check the NEEDS document in the Example Project or Example User Stories.


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Updated for version 2.19.1