ReqView 2.10 — Collaborate via Subversion
We would like to announce ReqView 2.10.0 allowing you to check out a project from a Subversion (SVN) repository, edit the project, and commit changes to the SVN repository from ReqView.
Collaborate using SVN Version Control System
Our customers have asked us for integrating ReqView with a version control system (VCS) so that they can collaborate with non-technical users without an external VCS client. We are happy to introduce a new integration with Apache Subversion (SVN) that makes team collaboration in ReqView much easier. See the following video:
We chose SVN for several reasons. SVN is a very popular centralized open-source version control system (VCS) adopted by many customers because of its simplicity and robustness. SVN supports a centralized locking mechanism to prevent edit conflicts of ReqView project data (based on JSON), therefore it is more suitable than Git, the most popular distributed VCS.
If you are interested in this feature and want to test it with your requirements project, you should install SVN, set up an SVN repository, and import a ReqView Project Folder into the repository:
- Install SVN
- Set up SVN Repositories
- Organize SVN Repositories
- Split SVN Repositories
- Connect to SVN Repository
Then, your team can collaborate using the following simple SVN workflow:
We plan to extend the SVN workflow in ReqView by displaying a SVN log of project changes, creating an SVN tag for a project baseline, opening an SVN revision of the project in a separate window, and comparing the current project version with another SVN revision or a tag. At the moment, you can do these operations in an external SVN GUI client or from the command line, see Advanced SVN Operations.
Compare with Project Folder
To compare the current project with a Project Folder storing a baseline, click Project, mouseover Compare Project, and select Compare Folder. You take advantage of this feature to compare the project with an SVN tag checked out to another SVN working copy, see Manage SVN Tags.
Choose Spelling Languages
To choose spelling languages, right-click in the rich text editor, select Spelling languages context menu item and choose one or more languages for the spell checker:
- Bulgarian
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English (American, Australian, British, Canadian)
- Estonian
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Serbian
- Serbo-Croatian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
Open Attachments in External Applications
To open the attachment file in the default external application (WinApp, MacApp, LinuxApp), click on the attachment link or select Open Attachment from the context menu.