ReqView 1.0.0
We have released ReqView 1.0.0 with sections folding, print and export options and sections filtering.
New Features and Enhancements
- Sections Folding — collapse / expand the selected section by clicking on / icons on the right of section name in the Requirements Table and in the Contents pane or by CtrlSpace shortcut. Folding state is saved to a file when user enables Save View option in Save File dialog.
- Print / Export Options
- Custom Attributes Columns — export a HTML file or print the document with the same layout of columns as the displayed Requirements Table including custom attributes, Links and Discussion columns and choose if you want to compact all displayed custom attributes into a single Custom Attributes column.
- Filter and Sort — choose if you want to preserve Requirements Table filter and sort or not
- Preserve Section Folding — choose if you want to preserver folding of Requirements Table sections
- Section Filter — filter requirements in a given section by choosing “Section” filtering criterion from the suggestion list, e.g. "Section: 2.2"
- Delete Enumeration Value — delete values of an enumeration attribute for selected requirements by choosing “none” item from the enumeration editor
- Fixed saving of view when user opens a document without view properties and then saves it without doing any view changes enabling Save View option in Save File dialog.
- Fixed disappearing sort arrows in the column heading.
- Fixed wrong handling of default property of multivalued enum attributes.
- Fixed missing implicit sections (without heading but with children) in the Contents pane
- Fixed " " HTML entities added when editing xhtml attributes after adding two spaces and deleting the first space (Chrome)
- Fixed issue that internal data-cke-saved-href attribute was saved to the file for URL links in xhtml attributes
Supported Browsers
- Latest stable version of Google Chrome
- Latest stable version of Mozilla Firefox
Known Issues
- There are some performance issues when the document contains large attachments. It is recommended to resize pictures before attaching them to a ReqView document.
- Internet Explorer browser is not supported at all as it still does not support some HTML5 features.
- ReqView UI is not optimized for control by a touchscreen.